A re-imagined Beehive Centre will significantly increase pathways to work for younger and older people and groups disadvantaged in the local labour market. Today, the Beehive Centre has the potential for 480 entry-level jobs and 370 senior-level jobs. The proposals will create over 5,000 new jobs, with 2,260 entry-level to mid-level jobs – that will require no specialist qualification and would provide on the job training – for people looking to enter the labour market, re-train or develop new skills.

High-skilled and mid-skilled jobs
Entry-level jobs


additional operational worker expenditure, helping to support businesses in the local area


additional economic output (GVA) supported by the new workforce each year


in annual business rate payments


Railpen are working with Form the Future to create a careers academy to provide free careers and employability training to Cambridge students at no cost to them or their school.

Railpen are also working with a wide network of community organisations to co-create a pioneering employment and skills programme that will help residents overcome barriers to employment and gain sustainable, well-paid work.

Railpen will use its own investment and work with future employers to:


Establish local employment and skills programmes

By employing an employment and skills coordinator who will work with the Council and local partners, like Abbey People, to advertise jobs locally and establish pathways for young and older workers looking to enter the labour market, re-train or develop new skills.


Create higher-paid jobs for all

The salary profile for lower-skilled employees in the Research and Development sector is 12% higher than those in the retail sector.


Commit to the Cambridge Living Wage

This will help to reverse an increase in the number of roles paying below the Living Wage in Cambridge.


Secure pathways into higher-paid roles

The research and development sector can provide training and skills development to access new higher-paying roles in fast-growing industries.


Support education outreach

Programmes of careers insight, STEM workshops and work placements will be offered to local schools, colleges and universities.